PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE...An Excellent quality that all humans should possess is patience
TOPIC: Patience is a virtue.
TEXT: Exodus 24:15-16
_"Exod.24.15 Then Moses went up the mountain, and the cloud covered it. (NLT)"_
_"Exod.24.16 And the glorious presence of the LORD rested upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day the LORD called to Moses from the cloud. (NLT)"_
An excellent quality that all human creatures must possess is "patience." Why?
There are so many reasons to this and one of the most important reasons is to rightly walk with God.
Walking( Living a godly lifestyle) with God is like walking with an old man, an old man is weak physically and can't do so many things that young ones do, they can't walk fast or run fast like young and full of energy young ones do. If as a child, one is to walk with an old man who knows the destination both are heading to, the child would have to be patient with the man, if he/she rushes to get to where they are going, he would eventually have to go back to the old man because they don't know where they are going to.
This is the same with God, God isn't weak as a man though but whoever will live the life He desires and would not want to miss out on the things He has for him/her must be ready to be patient with Him.
In the text above, Moses was called by God but God didn't attend to Him until the seventh day, His(God) presence was with him but He said nothing to him, if he(Moses) was impatient, he would have missed out on what God had for him. If you're desiring not to miss out on the purpose God has created you for and the life He would have you live, you have to have a good virtue which is PATIENCE.
Heavenly Father, we ask that we are helped by You, teach us that we may be patient with You, teach us that we may love to patiently walk with You. Amen.
By FaithfulnessII DEVOTIONAL
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