TOPIC: The Life of Prayer.
TEXT: Ephesians 6:11-12
“Put on, therefore, the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.(KJV).
The armor of a Christian is;
The WORD of God and PRAYER. A Christian who lives without these two is like a soldier going to a battlefield without a weapon.
He who builds a life of prayer builds his wall against foes, evils, and attacks. As believers, if we must live in this world of vanity and wickedness, if we would survive those in this world that the Bible has stated that we wrestle against, we must imbibe the culture of prayer.
Prayer is the key to overcoming, and also a key to victory. A victorious Christian must first be a prayerful Christian. Paul admonishes us to pray without ceasing (2Thess 5:17)Whoever will escape the evilness of the world, whoever will survive worldly torments, whoever must laugh at the end as an overcomer must first have a life of prayer. Prayer is also a medium to communicate with God, a means to call Him to take control of your life.
He who loses his prayer life loses a treasure that can't be bought with money. May we not lose our prayer lives. Amen.
Prayer :
Lord Jesus, we pray that you help us to know how to pray, not to be weary but strong and full of strength to pray more at your feet. Amen.
By FaithfulnessII NGDw
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