THE HEART OF faithfulnessIINGDw
Topic: The heart of gratitude.
Text: Psalm 100:5
“For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations”
Truly, the Lord is ever good, He is good to all but not everyone enjoys Him, not everyone gets to enjoy His mercy that is ever living nor the truth in Him, why? Because they never appreciate the ones He does, and that's indirectly telling Him that what He's done is nothing. They don't get to enjoy the little God has done for them, nor the ones their ungrateful heart has hindered God from showering upon them.
Dorcas is a devoted young Christian, she never really knew how to pray, but once it comes to giving thanks to God for the things He has done for her, regardless of its worth (Little or big), she heartily does that and day by day, she keeps enjoying the richness in the mercies of God. She has now learnt to pray, but she still gives thanks like, she has always done. It's like a key to the Father's heart, and she never hesitates to make use of the key.
God is a merciful God, He is a good and passionate God and if you must enjoy Him, you must teach your heart to be grateful.
Father Lord, we pray that You help our hearts to be thankful and full of gratitude for all You do. Teach us to appreciate all you do for us and be grateful to You. Amen.
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