THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground by Peace NDGw

31st January 2022 Devotional
Topic:Put on the full armor of God 2
Text:Eph 6:10-18
 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground
Eph 6:13
Armor are protective layers that can be worn to fight a war, usually worn by soldiers. As Christians, we are soldiers of Christ, so we should always be in our armor to be protected from attack of any form (Eph 6:12) and be a good representation of Christ. 
The Full Armor of God which consists of
•Truth vs14
•Righteousness vs14
•Preaching the gospel vs15
•Faith vs16
•Salvation vs17
• Word of God (Bible) vs17
•Prayer vs18
How do you put on the full armor of God? For you to be an active soldier for Christ you have to;
1. Be truthful at all times; to yourself and others around you. Do not be a cunning or greedy person in whatsoever position you may be in; be it financial Secretary, doctor, lawyer, president, and so on (Eph 4:25). 

2. Be a good representation of Christ's Righteousness, be righteous without any blemish, in every circumstance. We should not be struggling to keep God's Word, but be firm in his word. (1Jn2:29)

3. Preach the gospel at all times in whatever medium you can. The medium can be your lifestyle, action, or speech, some go as far as traveling to faraway countries to preach the gospel. (Act 10:42)

4. Be faithful to God and his commandment, in all times we should be consistent in doing his will in body and spirit. Do not be the high service Christian; a Christian outside but a devil inside. (Hebrews 11:6)

5. Be saved; we ought to have received salvation to be a true representation of Christ's soldiers (Rom 10:9). When we are completely saved, it will be easy to keep God's commandments.

6. Be filled with the word of God at all times. Do not be deceived by false teachings, fellowship with like mind brethren, and be fully rooted in the scriptures. Even when Jesus was tempted, with the word of God he was able to overcome the devil's trap (Heb 4:12)
As soldiers of Christ, we should be a good representation of Christ's nature.

Prayer: Lord help me be your true soldier 


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