
Showing posts from January, 2023

THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground by Peace NDGw

31st January 2022 Devotional Topic:Put on the full armor of God 2 Text:Eph 6:10-18   Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground Eph 6:13 Armor are protective layers that can be worn to fight a war, usually worn by soldiers. As Christians, we are soldiers of Christ, so we should always be in our armor to be protected from attack of any form (Eph 6:12) and be a good representation of Christ.  The Full Armor of God which consists of •Truth vs14 •Righteousness vs14 •Preaching the gospel vs15 •Faith vs16 •Salvation vs17 • Word of God (Bible) vs17 •Prayer vs18 How do you put on the full armor of God? For you to be an active soldier for Christ you have to; 1. Be truthful at all times; to yourself and others around you. Do not be a cunning or greedy person in whatsoever position you may be in; be it financial Secretary, doctor, lawyer, president, and so on (Eph 4:25).  2. Be a good representation o...

THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD. "for we struggle against..spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. By Peace NGDw

Tuesday 24th January 2023 Devotion TOPIC : put on the Full Armor of God  TEXT : Eph 6:10-18 LIGHT :And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Vs 18 Itan is the prayer cord in his fellowship, a very fervent Christian brother, he has a place prepared for him by God.  Itan almost lost it when an opposite-sex coursemate visited him in his hostel freeing offering herself an unsolicited order. By God's grace and frequent prayer, Itan stood his ground. Afterward, Itan received a revelation on what could have happened to him if he did not defy the spirit. As Christians, you have to put on the full armor of God, so you can take your stand against the devil's scheme.  The need to put on the armor of God always is to prepare you for battle. For the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. The full armor of God is:  •The belt of...

God's provision is made available by FaithfulnessII NDGW

Wednesday 18th of January, 2023 Devotion  TOPIC: God's provision is made available TEXT: Genesis 2: 5-6   5. And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground._  6. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground(KJV).”_ Situations at times can be terrible and all hope will cease to be alive. This leads to various self questions and thoughts like “ Is God still existing? Has God really forgotten me?  Why will God allow this to happen to me?  Am I not praying enough?  Does God even answer my prayers?.. ". These questions and many more are what run through the walls of our brains when faced with difficulties and hard times. God is a God of order, and He will never watch the works of His hands being destroyed. In Genesis 2:5-6, the verse 5 of the chapter spoke of t...