
Showing posts from October, 2022

WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? will God celebrate you if you become like the person Joy NGDw

THURSDAY 27TH OCTOBER 2022 DEVOTION Topic: Who is your role model? Text: Hebrews 11 Key verse: Hebrews 11:39a   “ These were all commended for their faith”   A role model is someone worthy of imitation.  Who is your role model? If you become exactly like that person you admire, will God celebrate you? Will your name appear among the heroes of faith today?  Hebrews 11 gives us a list of the heroes of faith, men, and women who did great things for their faith in God, Hebrews 11:39 says that these people were all commended for their faith. Some of us make music/movie stars our role models, we admire their dressings, habits, and lifestyle, and we desire to be like them. Unfortunately, many of these celebrities live ungodly lives, they are involved in extramarital affairs, hard drugs, and other kinds of unrighteousness. The Bible tells us to flee from all kinds of unrighteousness, 2nd Corinthians 6:14-18 also stated that we should not be unequally yoked with ...

OBEDIENCE...behold to obey is better than sacrifice by FaithfulnessII NGDw

Wednesday, 26th of October 2022 Devotion.  TOPIC:Obedience TEXT: 1Samuel 15:22      _" And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,  and to hearken than the fat of rams"._ The Lord desires that we obey Him, than make sacrifices to Him. His heart is always gladdened whenever He sees His children humbly obey Him. But His heart is broken when He sees His beloved and cherished children go against His will.  Those who obey God never end up with regrets but those who don't live and wallow in regrets. Saul, when instructed by God to destroy a city, obeyed but not entirely.  He obeyed partially by destroying the entire city he was instructed to destroy but kept and took with himself, some animals and the king of the destroyed land. This was against the will of God and when Saul even said that he used them as sacrifice for God, God to...


Thème: CÉLÉBRER LA PRÉSENCE DE DIEUMardi 18 Octobre 2022 Livre : 2 Samuel 6:1-5 Un jour, un frère a dirigé le culte d'une manière puissante et énergique que je ne peux pas facilement oublier. Le frère a apporté de la joie dans l'adoration par son ambiance extatique. L'énergie qu'il a mise dans la séance d'adoration a fait que tout le monde a commencé à sauter, crier et danser avant même que la musique ne commence. Le retour de l'arche de Dieu, qui était un symbole de la présence de Dieu, ne s'est pas passé sans une célébration énergique et joyeuse alors que David et le peuple ont exprimé leur joie de récupérer l'arche en « célébrant de toutes leurs forces devant le Seigneur, avec des chants et avec des harpes, des lyres, des tambourins, des sistres et des cymbales. Célébrer la présence de Dieu et chanter sont étroitement lié. La musique peut nous aider à exprimer notre reconnaissance envers Dieu en chantant, en jouant d'un instrument, en...


Tuesday 18th 0ctober 2022 Devotion TOPIC: Being a successful Christian TEXT :2 chronicle 15:1-9 But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded. Catch them young as they say. I remembered a time a speaker came   for an enlightenment program and he said:” You see, I'm scared of you younger generations because I don't know where you are going, but you've seen all I can be”. As younger generations there are chances to make things right again, we aren't too young to make better decisions for ourselves with the help of the Holy Spirit. Some are comfortable in their mediocrity and refuse to change, perhaps they've given up on life. In the scripture reading above, the word of the Lord came to king Asa in vs. 7 and he purged idolatry and the lord rewarded him. Likewise as Christians what is that problem or business risk you are afraid to face or take, Vs 7 is talking to you or perhaps sins around you, you're afraid to p...

TRUE LOVE 1John 4:19 We love him because he first loved us... By Faithfulness II NGD

_*WEDNESDAY 5TH OF OCTOBER 2022 DEVOTION.*_ _*TOPIC*:_ True Love _*TEXT:*_ 1John 4:19.  _” We love Him because He first loved us”._ “ My life has been nothing near joy but sorrow, I have houses, cars, companies, farm lands… I sleep and wake up in affluence. I'm clothed with riches that if I don't even work till old age, I will never be hungered, but still no joy, no one wants to give me that thing which I lack, I have tried to purchase it with all that I have, but all have proved abortive. I just want to give up, I can never have it”.  Miss Biola bewailed to me.  I looked at her and tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt so bad for her.  I controlled my tears as she only opened up to me, so I could console her, it would be unreasonable of me to keep shedding tears in front of the one I should console.  “Ma'am, I feel your pain, but you still haven't told me what it is you lack that causes you to grieve this much”.  I said.  “ It's Love!, love ...

WHY WORRY? But in everything with prayer...let our request known to God. By Joy NGD Writers

Date: Thursday, 6th October, 2022 Topic: Why worry? Text: Matthew 6:25-31, Psalm 46:1, 1 Peter 5:7 According to 1 Peter 5:7, the bible tells us to cast our worries on Him because he cares for us.    Human needs are insatiable. As we move on with our day-to-day activities, we encounter several needs and wants, and some of these needs can be life-threatening. Our God is the God of creation and provision, he creates to provide. The Bible says we should not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving we should let our requests be known to God.  Our God is a God of variety and abundance, He created both great and small in different shapes and colors and he blessed His handiwork to be fruitful and to multiply. Our God is interested in the prosperity of His creation! The psalmist understood this and wrote “.....let the lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant” (Psalms 35:27). Nobody cares m...


Mardi 04 Octobre 2022 Thème: ZÈLE MAL AVISÉ Livre: 2 Samuel 6:6-11 Dieu est un Dieu d'ordre. Il a tout conçu dans la création selon un ordre particulier, et les choses fonctionnent parfaitement lorsque nous suivons son ordre. Dieu a un dessein sur la façon d'être adoré. Son choix de la tribu de Lévi pour être en charge de l'Arche était l'un de ses desseins. Il y avait des règles et des règlements qui guidaient le mouvement de l'Arche. Le faire autrement équivalait à une désobéissance qui entraîne de graves conséquences. David et les gens ont commencé à déplacer l'Arche sans suivre les procédures appropriées. Au cours du mouvement, Uzza et Achjo, les fils d'Abinadab, ont guidé la charrette à bœufs au milieu de la joyeuse célébration. Soudain, le bœuf a trébuché, mais Uzza a essayé de protéger l'arche de la chute. Hélas! Dieu le frappa à mort. Le motif de David d'amener l'Arche à Jérusalem était bon, néanmoins sa méthode était mauvaise....


TUESDAY 4TH OCTOBER 2022 DEVOTION TOPIC:Jesus the true savior saves TEXT: Ephesians 2 Eph 2:5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved. Amaka had an incurable skin disease, which made her visit so many hospitals and herbalists yet no cure. When Amaka met Jesus, the skin disease was gone.  The woman with an issue of blood for twelve years would be depressed and might be on the verge of giving up, till she touched Jesus' garment with faith She was free again. Mark 5:25-34. Have you ever doubted Jesus saving grace or felt your sin is beyond repair? Matt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.  Even before Jesus was birthed, his significance was prophesied. Jesus was not just the son of God but a true Savior that came to the world, so we can be cleansed, purified and healed. No matter how shameful your sin is, it is not too late ...

Les frères et sœurs célibataires doivent apprendre à définir les relations par la Paix des écrivains NGD. Translated by Good II

MARDI 13 AOÛT 2022 DÉVOTION Sujet : Ne vous laissez pas entraîner Texte : 2Sam 13:4-19, Gal 6:7 Ammon lui dit : "J'aime Tamar, la sœur de mon frère Absalom". 2Sam 13:4b Sis Titi vient de rejoindre une fraternité dans son département où elle a rencontré le frère Steven, un beau frère chrétien charmant et vibrant. Le frère Stephen l'a accueillie dans la fraternité et depuis lors, Sis Titi est très attachée au frère Steven. Elle fait la cuisine pour lui, et ils se voient souvent et discutent de questions personnelles. Quatre mois après que le frère Stephen et la sœur Titi se soient connus, le frère Steven a avoué son amour pour la sœur Ola et avait déjà commencé à sortir avec elle. Lorsque Sis Titi a entendu cela, elle a été choquée et a été très affectée parce qu'elle avait déjà développé des sentiments forts pour Frère Steven, elle s'est sentie trahie. Frères et sœurs célibataires, ne vous laissez pas entraîner en donnant ou en répondant à un feu ve...