
Showing posts from September, 2023

Eight Common lies people tell about sex before marriage...Everyone is doing it

NG Devotionals ' 'Ten great reasons why you should say no to sex before marriage ” written by Jean Garland;   quoted by  Mike Anyanwaokoro Eight common lies people might tell you about sex before marriage  Lie 1 : Sex will bring us closer  answer: it won't Lie2 : “Sex will make our relationship better” answer: no, sex will become the center of our relationship and push everything else out Lie3: " If you really love me, you would do it” Answer: If you really loved me, you would not ask but wait. Do you not respect me? Lie4 :" Just this once” Answer: No one wants sex “Just once”, it is addictive Lie 5: " I want to give you something to remember me by”. Answer: Yes, Maybe AIDS or a baby…. Lie 6: " If you do not have sex with me, I will find someone who will. Answer: I hope you two have a nice time Lie 7: “Everyone is doing it"  Answer: that is not true. There are many faithful ones. Lie 8 : “Don't worry, I will use a condom. It will be...

KEEP YOUR HOPE ALIVE IN CHRIST...There is life and Joy when dreams come true

Thursday, September 7th, 2023 Devotional. Topic: Keep Your Hope Alive in Christ. Text: Proverbs 13:12     “ Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy. (NLT)” All hope could have been lost for Joseph of the Holy Book when He was sold out by His siblings, but He did not stop worshiping and trusting God still. When he was imprisoned, he could have accepted that God had forgotten totally about Him, but he still kept his hope still in God. He kept his hope in God up until the point he was appointed a leader. This is what hope in Christ is like, it may take a while and the heart becomes weary while awaiting its manifestation, but as long as it is God one is hoping on, the end will surely be full of joy. Keep your hope alive in Christ, His delay isn't His denial. He has you in mind and when the time comes, He will make a way. Just don't stop trusting Him. Prayer Father Lord, we pray that you help us to be reminded of your words s...


Tuesday, September 15th, 2023, Devotional  TOPIC:Manifesting Christ's Fruit; Patience and gentleness TEXT: Prov 14:29, 2peter 3:8-11 Prov 14:29 A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. 2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. For a Fisherman to be able to catch so many fish in his bait, he has to be very patient. The biblical story of Peter and Andrew tells us how they struggled all night to catch fishes at the lake of Genesaret, but all effort was futile till they met Jesus and their story changed. Patience is a Virtue everyone should show forth either with God or with things God has created and even with ourselves. Do not be quick to respond to anger for anger, Prov 15:1. At times when going through challenges and everything seems hard, keep being patient with God and keep his commandments while being...